Welcome to Pane in the Glass!

I’m excited to introduce Lee Taylor Design. My studio is now open to the public, and I’m happy to introduce my designs and products to a brand new audience. I’m most excited because I love envisioning new ideas with people, making new things with people, and leaving spaces more beautiful than when I first found them.

More than anything else, you should expect to be surprised- my passion for invention and beauty takes me everywhere from fashion shows to pull-apart junkyards to local galleries and the beach. Join me as I throw on heels and pearls for a gallery opening- and come along when I’m in the studio in coveralls and rubber boots.

Pane in the Glass, my blog, will give you a picture of this and much, much more. Pane in the Glass is where you can learn all about things Lee Taylor: everything that goes into making fabulous and surprising glass. I’ve named it Pane in the Glass because I never know where glass will take me. Except that it will always include ups and downs, blood-sweat-and-tears, high stress projects, long studio hours, and the satisfaction of knowing I’ve responded fearlessly – and – stylishly – to a huge challenge.

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